Thursday, October 11, 2012

Make Money With Home Based Business

After you have selected and set up the foundation for your home based business... it is time to begin making money! You need to begin selling! There are many different types of sales, sales processes, and sales techniques; some are more "direct" sales and marketing approaches (knocking on doors, making phone calls, going to the client) while others are more "passive" or less direct (direct mail, email, signage, online strategy, etc.). But, no matter how you do it or look at it you are selling, and for your business to be successful you must begin your selling process. Fortunately most successful businesses large, small and even home based already have a sales strategy that works; so you just need to put the sales strategy into motion.

Tip: This is the area that is the direct cause of almost every failed business. Lack of sales. Businesses fail because they are not making enough money, and if a business has enough sales than it would obviously make money. Most businesses struggle with sales for one of several reasons:

o They pawn the task off to someone else. They focus their time on the administration or service itself... the behind the scenes things. You will fail. Nobody cares about your business as much as you do, and nobody else will have the passion to make sales and build a loyal client base (at least as a home based business; this philosophy changes with different business models).

o They change the system from what has been proven to work with other businesses. Lots of time is put into trying to sale, but alterations have been made to a successful sales plan. Often times these alterations are considered "improvements" or "upgrades". The reality is all home based business owners should focus on a tested and proven sales model until they are profitable. Only at the point of which you have fully maximized the current sales system should you consider "improving" or "upgrading" a tested and proven sales model.

Now that your business is established and you have begun making sales, you will need to effectively balance a delicate cycle of:

o Marketing/Sales (updating materials, completing the sales cycle, maintain relationships, etc.)

o Delivery/Distribution (providing your service or product)

o Company Management (bookkeeping, strategy and direction)

o Learning/Training (you should always be learning more about your business and industry)

Each of these categories is made up of hundreds of specific tasks, and someone can get stuck in any single category for too long!

Tip: Spending too much time in any one area of your business will lead to failure as will spending too little time in any one area of your business. As a rule of thumb it is recommended about 80% of your time should be spent selling. (If you are lucky you will have so much non selling work to do it will make sense to hire someone to help you!)

Matthew Gladen is a top internet marketer who works with industry leaders from around the world. He has a passion for helping others achieve their goals, dreams and aspirations. To learn more about Matthew Gladen and his team of Marketing Mentors visit

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