There are some very important things you must know in order to make money with RevvNRG or any other Network Marketing company out there, especially if it's in the health and wellness arena. Without these things in place, I can just about guarantee you; you will be among the 97% of Network Marketers who never make more than $100 a month in their business.
Here are some things you need to know:
-Network Marketing is simple but it takes work. Anyone can have a successful business but it takes time, persistence, and a mind set of not giving up.
-It is about sales. Don't let anyone tell you MLM is anything but sales. Sharing is selling, however it's all about the approach.
- You have to learn to sell people on who you are and what you have to offer. People do business with people, not companies.
-You need learn to market, both offline and on the internet. Most companies will tell you to make a list of anyone and everyone you have ever known and then you proceed to hunt them down and chase them away. Do you market to friends and family? Absolutely! IF, there is a need or desire that your company or products can fill.
-Learn to generate your own leads. Don't buy leads; it's nothing but a waste of time and money. That are so many people online looking for what you have to offer and you need to learn how to tap in to that traffic.
-Learn to keep in regular communication with your prospects. Many prospects won't say yes right away so it is important to keep in regular contact with them so that they remember you. It normally takes quite a few "exposures" until they are ready to make a decision. Have an auto responder system or a regular newsletter in place.
-Don't chase people. Work with only those who are interested and motivated (on their own) to work.
-Learn to make money on the 95% of people who won't join your business.
If you can put these things into place, there is no reason why you can't make money with RevvNRG or any other stable company. Obviously, some business opportunities will do better than others, especially if you picked on that had less competition. Either way, with a proven online lead generation system in place and good offline marketing, any amount of success is possible.
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